Ranah Minang

Ranah Hijau nan tacinto, nagari nan denai rindu

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Ranah Minang

Ranah Hijau nan tacinto, nagari nan denai rindu, Sawah hijau bukik manjulang, lauik mambiru jo ombaknyo balari lari. Subuah jopatang surau jo masajik dak pernah kosong jo urang, tiok malam urang mangaji malantunkan ayat ayat cinto dari nan Kuaso. Ranah Minang, Ranah nan ta Cinto - Silahkan kalo mengirim postingan ke: dicabrio1.mail@blogger.com

Author: Tom Butler-Bowdo
Publisher: Nicholas Brealey Publishing
Date: January 25, 2007
Pages: 311
Who we are, how we think, what we do.
Insight and inspiration from 50 key books.
In his newest addition to the 50 Classics series, Butler-Bowden provides concise summaries and commentaries on fifty of the most influential works on the human mind and behavior, along with special features to provide additional context. Drawing on the rich vein of the classics as well as contemporary works, this book is a worthy addition to a series that has sold over 100,000 copies in English and been translated into 17 languages.

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