Ranah Minang

Ranah Hijau nan tacinto, nagari nan denai rindu

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Ranah Minang

Ranah Hijau nan tacinto, nagari nan denai rindu, Sawah hijau bukik manjulang, lauik mambiru jo ombaknyo balari lari. Subuah jopatang surau jo masajik dak pernah kosong jo urang, tiok malam urang mangaji malantunkan ayat ayat cinto dari nan Kuaso. Ranah Minang, Ranah nan ta Cinto - Silahkan kalo mengirim postingan ke: dicabrio1.mail@blogger.com

Palmistry Secrets

Per Hogseth,«Palmistry Secrets»
Palmistry | ISBN: N/A | PDF | 1,13 Mb | 146 Pages | 2007 Year

Some believe that the human hand is an unsurpassed tool for character and emotional analysis, holding vital keys to one’s path to power, success, romance, and fulfillment. Combining Western astrological palmistry with Chinese hand analysis, this captivating instructional guide outlines a quick and accurate method to assess talents, abilities, psychology, and emotional personality in both business and romance. Fully illustrated, with quick pointers and distinct section dividers, the book is a handy reference for any aspiring palmist.



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